Jalsa, the Mumbai home Aishwarya Rai shares with her husband Abhishek, daughter Aaradhya, and Abhishek's parents Jaya and Amitabh Bachchan, was broken into over the weekend. Amitabh Bachchan informed the world of the fact on his blog:
Spent some anxious moments yesterday since we had a break in! The guy was caught and is with the police now under investigation. Seems like a professional, for he had entered the most sensitive area of the house, Jalsa. Cops and security are in over drive now. In the end nothing is secure, irrespective of how much precaution one takes.
The news is somewhat unnerving, as Jalsa is one of the most secure homes in the city. It's a huge bungalow and has excellent security, and yet a burglar was still able to enter the heart of the home. Amitabh didn't give many details about where in the home the criminal was found, only referring to him having access to the "most sensitive area" of the house.
Was that "sensitive area" one of the family rooms? Is it possible that a thief not only entered the house but made his way to Aishwarya and Aaradhya's rooms? Was the family in danger at any point?
The details of the incident remain unclear, and Amitabh didn't find it necessary to remark on them in further posts. He flew to London and had nothing more to say about the break in.
Obviously the security at Jalsa will have to be improved. But if a thief could break into a building as secure as Jalsa, what hope do ordinary Mumbai residents have of their safety in the city? The Bachchans should be (and no doubt are) grateful that they can afford to live so securely to begin with.
Spent some anxious moments yesterday since we had a break in! The guy was caught and is with the police now under investigation. Seems like a professional, for he had entered the most sensitive area of the house, Jalsa. Cops and security are in over drive now. In the end nothing is secure, irrespective of how much precaution one takes.
The news is somewhat unnerving, as Jalsa is one of the most secure homes in the city. It's a huge bungalow and has excellent security, and yet a burglar was still able to enter the heart of the home. Amitabh didn't give many details about where in the home the criminal was found, only referring to him having access to the "most sensitive area" of the house.
Was that "sensitive area" one of the family rooms? Is it possible that a thief not only entered the house but made his way to Aishwarya and Aaradhya's rooms? Was the family in danger at any point?
The details of the incident remain unclear, and Amitabh didn't find it necessary to remark on them in further posts. He flew to London and had nothing more to say about the break in.
Obviously the security at Jalsa will have to be improved. But if a thief could break into a building as secure as Jalsa, what hope do ordinary Mumbai residents have of their safety in the city? The Bachchans should be (and no doubt are) grateful that they can afford to live so securely to begin with.
Thanks: http://celebs.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474981491664
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